Jeg har nu i flere år fulgt området ifht Forældreansvarsloven, når det IKKE fungerer. Ikke mindst bekymrer det mig meget, at børn udleveres til samvær med voldelige forældre. Mange af jer ved, at jeg har udtalt mig i sagen om Klaus Pagh og vist min bekymring. Isak´s mor – Karema Hviid – har også netop været i EU, hvor hun talte sin søns sag. Jeg synes egentlig Karema Hviid´s indlæg (og brevet fra Isak) på mange måder taler sit eget sprog – for her har vi et barn, som vedvarende kræver at blive hørt – og vedvarende ignoreres!

Men der er andre end Isak Hviid – som er i klemme i systemet. Børn af ikke helt så kendte forældre, men hvor sagen er ligeså grum og grufuld.
Når man ser på sagen i EU – må man sige, at Danmark´s rolle når det gælder udsatte børn ser meget skummel ud. Det er som om, at ingen lytter til børnene. Men kun til forældrene. Også de voldelige forældre. De forældre, som har udsat børnene for vold og seksuelle krænkelser.

Jeg vil overlade ordet til Olivers mor nedenfor – da jeg mener hun i sin pressemeddelelse meget godt summer det hele sammen. Ikke mindst også den skændsel Margrete Auken reelt er, når det gælder danske børns rettigheder. Hun er usandsynlig flabet og uforskammet i hele sin adfærd, og hvad hendes ignorante ærinde reelt er, aner jeg ikke. Men kønt er det ikke og endnu mindre når vi erindrer, at det er BØRN vi taler om. Ikke andre voksne. Men BØRN!

Today´s press-release to the media:
Finally a breakthrough in the case of the “trapped children” of Denmark!

Dear Madame, Dear Sir,

first of all I would like to thank you for your interest in the tragic and unbearable situation for the many children “trapped” in Denmark.

Secondly, I would like to provide you with some more information about the meeting of the Committee on Petitions in the European Parliament on February 11, 2014 and the comments made by some Danish MEPs in the same matter.

Information and comments concerning statements made on a Danish TV programm by DR 2, on February 11, 2014:

The “Oliver-Case”, is by no means a single case as some Danish MEPs want to make the public believe. There is a systematic problem in Denmark concerning children´s rights, custody rights and visitation rights. It affects Danish mothers, non-Danish mothers as well as non-Danish fathers.
It is correct that 27 petitions have been discussed in the Committee this time, but there are way more than 40 petitions and there are many many Danish parents who for several reasons have not even sent in their petitions yet.
According to some Danish mothers there are almost a thousand cases they know of and therefore the statements made by the Danish politicians are incorrect. It is by no means the case that we talk about a “sad single case”.
Also the statement that my son Oliver would have been used as an “election campaign ball” (Wahlkampfball) by some Members of the European Parliament is completely incorrect. Nobody, besides “one MEP with red glasses” has used my son Oliver for his or her own interests until this day. As a responsible mother I am very greatful for, that this has not been the case.

It also has to be mentioned that the number of male parliamentarians involved in the debate, is actually much higher and this debate about the Danish cases has nothing at all to do with feminism. The allegation concerning feminism, made by the Danish side is compleately absurd. This is all about the children and their rights as well as about discrimination and violation of conventions, human rights and the violation of the Charta of Fundamental Rights.
Furthermore, I would like to remind everyone that the EU-delegation consisted of three MEPs, two of them are men! And it should also be mentioned that in the debate of the Committee´s meeting on February 11, 2014 it was five men out of 8 MEPs who raised their voice…they all raised their voice because they are simply aware of the great injustice on these children, of the violation of the European Charta of Fundamental Rights by Denmark – Denmark is an EU-Member State and thus has to respect the Charta.
Thank God for, that the EU-Parliament exists and hopefully they get a chance to do their work! Denmark is in my opinion just hiding behind its Opt-Out.

I allow myself to add, that as a responsible mother and fellow petitioner, I have to criticize the outreagious and disrespectful behavior of the Danish MEP Mrs. Margrethe Auken during the presentations of our petitions.
When another concerned mother presented her extremely tragic case, MEP Mrs. Auken was reading a Danish newspaper article on her IPad. This, I think, shows lack of interest, as well as it is more than respectless towards the petitioners and their children. That an MEP behaving in such an outreagious way, sits in the Committee on Petitions is in my view unaccaptable.
MEP Mrs. Margrethe Auken also referrs in an interview, published on DR 2, to the cases as: “tåbelige sager”, which means “foolish or ridiculous cases”! This speaks for the attitude of this MEP.

Also MEP Mr. Morten Messerschmidt from DF (Dansk Folkeparti) seems to know very little about the real situation when it comes to such cases in Denmark.
He states to DR 2 that Danish authorities should not take the EU-Parliament´s work in these regards serious at all.
He further describes the Danish court system as the world´s best and least corrupt system. According to him, Denmark´s courts comply with the Hague Convention as well as with all other conventions. If this would be true Oliver would have been returned immediately after the violent kidnapping in 2012 and all these petitions would not exist.
Though, MEP Mr. Messerschmidt, acknowledges that “it is clear that there is a tendency to favor the own citizen” (“det klar at der er en tendens til at favorisere sin egen statsborger”).
MEP Mr. Messerschmidt even alleges that MEP Mrs. Angelika Werthmann would be biased commenting on the “Oliver Case”. This is absolutely incorrect as the entire EU-Delegation has made it their priority to help the many “trapped” children in Denmark, who are in desperate need of their help. My son Oliver only happens to be one of these children in danger.
Putting the case of my child, the abducted Oliver Weilharter in the lime light, is by no means the right approach to support the many cases concerning these issues that are being presented to the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament.

The report to the fact finding visit in Copenhagen of the official delegation of the Committee on Petitions in June 2013 can be read here:

Link Report from October 17, 2013:

Finally I would like to call on the responsibility of the media, in Denmark as well as in all other countries affected that they represent the situation in a clear picture.
Dear Madame, Dear Sir, it is your responsibility to inform your viewers and readers in an objective way when it comes to the above mentioned problems.
Our children are European citizens who will one day take an active part in life…they have already now rights – rights to human rights, children´s rights, …

Please find below some newspaper articles.
The videos of February 11, 2014 on the different cases and the comments of the MEPs as well as of the Committee, please find here:

Sincere regards

Marion Olivia Weilharter

A small selection of links in regards to the meeting on February 11, 2014: