Our study is going viral.
You can read it here:
For requests please contact me for further information, interviews aso:
vibeke@vibekemanniche.dk or phone +45 40 31 20 45
PS. Flora Teoh from the odd media Health Feedback cannot obviously read and less understand science. Whatever her reel agenda are – what she writes is both full of lies and BS. Plus in an extreme extent misleading the readers! It´s most of all an attack on free speech and a way of censoring people like myself – because her misleading article are how Facebook label facts as misleading. Again and again. Mark Zuckerberg are still blindly censoring proper science and facts. Disgracefully.
Our study are NOT misleading and what I have said in interviews neither. Flora Teoh are deliberately misleading Health Feedbacks readers and Facebooks users . The obvious purpose are to use her lies to maintain censoring experts like myself.
What Flora Teoh has written are lies – both concerning our study and how she refer to some odd articles full of other lies. All she writes about me in her weird article are lies. Simple lies and made up stories. Plus she surely hasn´t understood our study and the safety signal. Or maybe she just won´t and denies to understand the serious safety signals.
How much did Biden pay ex FB and Linkedin for censoring experts like myself? How much has he payed the odd site Health Feedback? Paying evil and obvious ignorant people like Flora a Teoh to write nonsense with one purpose only – to defame experts like myself. Shame on you Flora Teoh! Shame on Biden and Mark Zuckerberg trying to censor experts and censoring a legit discussion about the sideeffects from the corona-vaccines. Denying experts and scientists a relevant and urgent discussion.
Jeg er desværre ikke så god til engelsk, så jeg misser nok meget der refereres til dette sprog. Har læst, at jeres studie går viralt, og har forsøgt at lytte mig til div. interwievs, du har oploadet. Så sejt. at du er kommet igennem til lydhøre personer, der tager dig alvorligt.
Med den mundkurv og censur du har oplevet, vil disse mennesker, du har talt med være et springbrædt for at endnu flere får forstand? Har de magt og indflydelse til det?
Hej Connie – ja- det er en helt ny fornemmelse at blive lyttet til (igen). Jeg er ret overbevist om, at det allerede har været et stort springbræt til rigtig mange mennesker rundt omkring i verden. Så det glæder mig. Alle har magt og indflydelse…hvis de bruger den.