Vi har forsøgt at få publiceret et såkaldt letter til såvel New England Journal of Medicine og til JAMA. NEJM afslog uden videre efter få timer -og JAMA har sendt os dette interessante svar.

LÆS: Vi vil ikke have narrativet udfordret. De tør ikke engang sende det til vurdering hos andre eksperter, som normalt er proceduren. Det kaldes én ting – grov censur!

Dette letter er baseret på de bekymrende fund ved forskellige vaccine-batches ifht markant forskellig forekomst af bivirkninger. Det er dokumenterbart og data lyver ikke.

Jeg synes også at det er interessant som de skriver, hvor meget forskning om COVID-19 som de reelt afviser. Må man forstå fordi det ikke passer ind i narrativet.

Læs her det interessante svar.

“Thank you for submitting your manuscript Research Letter – Cross-sectional Study, titled “Batch-Dependent Safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine.,” to JAMA Network Open. Each manuscript is thoroughly evaluated by one or more of our editors, who assess the manuscript’s quality and its priority for publication. Those manuscripts judged unlikely to succeed through external review or whose subject matter does not meet our current editorial priorities are rejected at that point. Based on our evaluation, I regret to inform you that we will not pursue the manuscript you have submitted to us.

We receive hundreds of papers examining different aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infections each month, and currently are publishing about 5% of those submitted. We do not publish case-reports, narrative reviews, or opinion pieces. We generally are not accepting any systematic reviews on this topic because the literature is evolving so rapidly. We also are generally not accepting models predicting outcomes of general patients with the infection, or complications that are well known at this point. Studies on therapies should be randomized trials in order to be considered.

While we realize that you may be disappointed with our decision, we hope that providing you with this information promptly will allow you to submit your manuscript to another journal without the delay entailed by an external review.”

Censuren er ekstrem og stærkt foruroligende.

Læs min bog ” I censurens skygge blegner demokratiet” – hvis du fortsat tror på et oplyst demokrati.

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